3.3. Needed Patches

In addition to the packages, several patches are also required. These patches correct any mistakes in the packages that should be fixed by the maintainer. The patches also make small modifications to make the packages easier to work with. The following patches will be needed to build an LFS system:

Bash Upstream Fixes Patch - 28 KB:

Download: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/lfs/7.6/bash-4.3-upstream_fixes-3.patch

MD5 sum: 3266ce3d2f0aa647d4ef068e46899246

Bc Memory Leak Patch - 1.4 KB:

Download: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/lfs/7.6/bc-1.06.95-memory_leak-1.patch

MD5 sum: 877e81fba316fe487ec23501059d54b8

Binutils LTO Patch - 2.0 KB:

Download: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/lfs/7.6/binutils-2.24-load_gcc_lto_plugin_by_default-1.patch

MD5 sum: 48e4e96a60bfed41804aaecf4944f5d9

Binutils LTO Testsuite Patch - 3.0 KB:

Download: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/lfs/7.6/binutils-2.24-lto_testsuite-1.patch

MD5 sum: a6647fdb3cca512962bb1433bb6b4f9f

Bzip2 Documentation Patch - 1.6 KB:

Download: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/lfs/7.6/bzip2-1.0.6-install_docs-1.patch

MD5 sum: 6a5ac7e89b791aae556de0f745916f7f

Coreutils Internationalization Fixes Patch - 138 KB:

Download: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/lfs/7.6/coreutils-8.23-i18n-1.patch

MD5 sum: 587051bc411e0da9b3bf8984b49b364e

Gcc Upstream Patch - 8.6 KB:

Download: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/lfs/7.6/gcc-4.9.1-upstream_fixes-1.patch

MD5 sum: 015e026dff5052cd65906ee0bb8f25e8

Glibc FHS Patch - 2.8 KB:

Download: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/lfs/7.6/glibc-2.20-fhs-1.patch

MD5 sum: 9a5997c3452909b1769918c759eff8a2

Kbd Backspace/Delete Fix Patch - 12 KB:

Download: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/lfs/7.6/kbd-2.0.2-backspace-1.patch

MD5 sum: f75cca16a38da6caa7d52151f7136895

Mpfr Upstream Fixes Patch - 40 KB:

Download: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/lfs/7.6/mpfr-3.1.2-upstream_fixes-2.patch

MD5 sum: 2b2aa4371a4e848411639356fd82becf

Readline Upstream Fixes Patch - 4 KB:

Download: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/lfs/7.6/readline-6.3-upstream_fixes-2.patch

MD5 sum: 97f74f1c3c83008f268b32d36e9fd376

Sysvinit Consolidated Patch - 3.9 KB:

Download: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/lfs/7.6/sysvinit-2.88dsf-consolidated-1.patch

MD5 sum: 0b7b5ea568a878fdcc4057b2bf36e5cb

Total size of these patches: about 245.3 KB

In addition to the above required patches, there exist a number of optional patches created by the LFS community. These optional patches solve minor problems or enable functionality that is not enabled by default. Feel free to peruse the patches database located at http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/downloads/ and acquire any additional patches to suit your system needs.