Installing Psmisc-21.3

Estimated build time:           0.1 SBU
Estimated required disk space:  2 MB

Contents of Psmisc

(Last checked against version 21.)

The Psmisc package contains three programs which help manage the /proc directory.

Psmisc installs the following:

Program Files

fuser, killall and pstree

Psmisc Installation Dependencies

(Last checked against version 20.2.)

Bash: sh
Bison: bison
Binutils: as, ld
Coreutils: basename, cat, chmod, echo, expr, hostname, install,
             ls, mkdir, mv, rm, sleep, tr, uname
Diffutils: cmp
Gawk: gawk
GCC: cc, cc1, collect2, cpp0, gcc
Gettext: msgfmt, xgettext
Grep: egrep, grep
M4: m4
Make: make
Sed: sed
Texinfo: makeinfo

Installation of Psmisc

Prepare Psmisc for compilation:

./configure --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/

The meaning of the new configure option:

Compile the package:


And install it:

make install

By default Psmisc's pidof program isn't installed. Generally, this isn't a problem because we later install the Sysvinit package, which provides a better pidof program. But if you're not going to use Sysvinit, you should complete the installation of Psmisc by creating the following symlink:

ln -s killall /bin/pidof